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After writing the series I found that I had other stories that I wanted to tell about the way that people build relationships These novels are my view of the way that people connect and create relationships.

A Novel Beginning
A Novel Beginning by Susan X Meagher

What do you do when you've hit rock bottom? Misfortune has been raining down on Kirsten Holland for what seems like forever, but then she's convinced to take a stab at a new career-to write a novel. Sparks fly when she's paired with Jonesy North, a significantly younger and experienced writer. Kirsten's writing prowess builds slowly but not their friendship. Taking a young lover might help Kirsten get past some of her struggles, but it also might create new ones.

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Full Circle
Full Circle by Susan X Meagher

After a sudden, dramatic, devastating breakup, Dex and Tracy tried their best to be good moms to their daughter Kendall, without being in each other's lives. When Kendall is about to graduate from college, she wants her moms to attend her celebration...at the same time. Their forced meeting careens from anger to tears to tender reminiscences. Kendall is thrilled now that the wall of silence has been broken, there might be space for more. Maybe much more...

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Mosaic by Susan X Meagher

Kelsey Maliar blew into Summer Hayes' shop on a frosty cold morning, and within a few minutes things had warmed up. By the end of the week they were having a great first date but understanding the path to love can be an emotional challenge. Can they work through it together or is self-protection the wiser choice?

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Friday Night Flights
Friday Night Flights by Susan X Meagher

Who are you? Is the real you a moving target or is there an essence that remains unchanged? Avery Nichols is certain that she is a better, more evolved person than when she left for college but Casey Van Dyke hasn't seen the change. To get past their stumbling blocks, they have to open their hearts but is that enough?

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The Keeper's Daughter
The Keeper's Daughter by Susan X Meagher

Sometimes you just have to get away. When Gillian Lindsay realizes it's time for a recharge, she impetuously decides to visit Scotland. At Edinburgh Castle, Gillian meets tour guide Torie Gunn and proposes hiring her for the rest of her trip. Will Torie satisfy her trip desires or will romantic desires be satisfied too?

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Wait For Me
Wait For Me by Susan X Meagher

Molly Bradley has had a hell of a bad year. When she joins a new book club, she finds herself using every spare minute to plow through the difficult titles. She would have quit after the first meeting but spending time with the host, Alexa Fox, made it worthwhile. Now all she has to do is remind herself is that they're just friends.

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Vacationland by Susan X Meagher

Imagine five days in early March vacationing in Maine's pristine wilderness. Now re-imagine that scene, but make it a team-building exercise with co-workers that Sunny Thompson isn't overly fond of. Bonding only comes from being tested; a situation unlikely to happen when you're traveling with a remarkably pretty and stunningly fit woman who is one of Maine's best guides, Devin Savary. What could possibly go wrong?

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Fame by Susan X Meagher

Piper Campbell has spent the last fifteen years of her life raising her younger sister. Charlie is now an adult�and on the brink of stardom. Piper swears she can keep her head even as she's recruited into Charlie's retinue, but then along comes Haley�someone who has been burned too many times to believe the vow of a woman who hasn't yet experienced the seductive, entrancing power of Fame.

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Chef's Special by Susan X Meagher

After years of slowly working her way up the ladder, Emily Desjardins is finally poised at the next step�cooking at the kind of restaurant she'd love to one day own. But keeping her mind on the job with the enigmatic Blake Chadwick pervading her thoughts and her dreams proves much harder than she could have ever imagined.   (GCLS 2017 Goldie Winner for Traditional Romance)

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Summer of Love by Susan X Meagher

Despite their political and social views, Mary Frances Fitzpatrick and Courtney Ashcroft strike up a friendship. Courtney's sympathetic, encouraging, and genuinely concerned with Mary Frances's plight. She's so interested in gay rights, it almost seems personal. But that has to be wishful thinking on Mary Frances's part. Or does it? In Chicago, during that steamy, unpredictable summer of love, improbable dreams can, and do come true.

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The Right Time by Susan X Meagher

Timing is critical in so many of the events that make up our lives. When Hennessy Boudreaux's boss asks her to talk an insolent young woman into leaving the limo she's commandeered, she never could have guessed that day would change her life.  (GCLS 2016 Goldie Winner for Traditional Romance)

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Homecoming by Susan X Meagher

They say there's no going back, but Jill Henry gives it a try when she's invited to a once close friend's birthday party. It's tough to mend a frayed emotional tie, and even tougher to trust it to endure. Is creating a family, whether new or renewed, a reward worth any risk?

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Out of Whack
Out of Whack by Susan X Meagher

Plan ahead, work hard, play by the rules, and you'll be justly rewarded. The maxims that had been drummed into Darcy Morgan were the backbone of her orderly life...until one night.

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Inside Out
Inside Out by Susan X Meagher

In Washington, DC, a town hungry for gossip, it's political blogger Kit Travis's job to feed the beast. A failed relationship with a high-profile politician taught Kit the beast has claws. Can a woman who values her anonymity like a treasure abandon it for the sake of love?

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The Reunion
The Reunion by Susan X Meagher

High school reunions. To most, the potential of meeting your old classmates again promises an evening of shared memories. For Jemma and Shelby, this reunion will change their worlds.

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The Crush
The Crush by Susan X Meagher

Nicola Bagnolesi knows nothing about running a winery but that doesn't stop her father from asking her to run the family business for two years. She's desperate for connection with her former life but the closest gay bar is in Florence. To her delight, she finds not just a willing lesbian at the bar, but a sexy one-who seems equally interested in her. It's crazy to put so much importance on a chance meeting...right?

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Almost Heaven
Almost Heaven by Susan X Meagher

Cody Keaton truly believes that money doesn't buy happiness. She believes this so strongly that when she hits big in the lottery she considers throwing the ticket away. The local bank manager, Maddie Osborne, quickly sees that Cody's going to be in a world of trouble if she doesn't make some tough financial decisions. But can she protect Cody from her nearest and dearest?  (GCLS 2013 Goldie Winner for Traditional Romance)

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How to Wrangle a Woman by Susan X Meagher

Most adult women can manage to wake up on time for work. It turns out that Brooklyn York is extraordinary. Yes, she has to be at work at 6 a.m., still...when you have to pay a perfect stranger very good money to be a human alarm clock, it might be time to reassess.

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Smooth Sailing by Susan X Meagher

On a forced cruise vacation, overworked and overstressed Laurie Nielsen meets Kaatje Hoogaboom, a woman who has very little of Laurie's work obsession. Can a relationship that begins in St. Maarten keep growing when Laurie's top priority is work?

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Doublecrossed by Susan X Meagher

Cheating partners brought Callie and Regan together. Not as lovers, but as friends supporting each other through tough times. They slowly realize that they could be more than friends. But each has to get past her insecurities before they can even try to make that leap.

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The Legacy
The Legacy by Susan X Meagher

The good news is that you've just been given a guest house in a great gay and lesbian resort area. The bad news is that your mother, who gave you away at birth, left it to you in her will.

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Lies That
The Lies That Bind by Susan X Meagher

Katie Quinn saw stars the first time she met Erin Delancy. Even though a car accident caused the optical illusion, Erin's skills as a doctor were outshone by her luminous smile. Katie devises a series of excuses to trek back to the small town to see Erin.

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Cherry Grove
Cherry Grove by Susan X Meagher

When Hayden rented a house in Cherry Grove on Fire Island for the summer she was looking for nothing more than a quiet place to write.

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All That Matters
All That Matters by Susan X Meagher

Life is going damned well for Blair Spencer. She's a very successful real estate agent, happily married to a man who encourages her to live the independent life she loves-and they're actively working to have a baby.

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Arbor Vitae
Arbor Vitae by Susan X Meagher

Abby Graham is uncommonly lovely, happy and content with her life, but when she finds herself a widow just a week before her 40th birthday, the secure world that she thought was permanent is suddenly on very shaky ground.

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Outsiders by Lynn Ames, Georgia Beers, JD Glass, Susan X Meagher and Susan Smith

What happens when you take five beloved, powerhouse authors, each with a unique voice and style, give them one word to work with, and put them between the sheets together, no holds barred? Magic!! (GCLS 2010 Goldie Winner for Short Story/Essay/Collections)

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Girl Meets Girl
Girl Meets Girl by Susan X Meagher

A scintillating collection of short and
not-so-short stories.

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Undercover Tales by Susan X Meagher, Blayne Cooper and KG MacGregor

Undercover Tales is a trilogy of complimentary works penned by three authors with very distinctive styles. Stories range from melt-the-pages erotica, to humor-laced romance, to twist-filled adventure... all with a touch of mystery.

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The San Francisco Series

In 1998 I was inspired, for the first time in my life, to try writing fiction. I started writing for the web using the name SX Meagher.
The I Found My Heart In San Francisco series was the result of that effort.
In Awakenings, the first of the 26 novels of this "alphabet" series, we meet the main characters: Ryan O'Flaherty and Jamie Evans, juniors at the University of California at Berkeley.
Jamie is the only child of a prominent Bay Area family and has her future all mapped out for her.
Ryan's choices are more her own.  She has nearly as many options as she's had lovers since she stormed out of the closet at 17.
The women meet in a psychology class - the Psycology of the Lesbian Experience. The class seems a natural choice for Ryan, but what would make Jamie, a straight English major, choose it? 
I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book One

Despite the questions of her roommates and the objections of her fiance, Jamie Evans persists in enrolling in a less-than-mainstream course at Cal-Berkeley.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Two

Beginnings is the second book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.
Seven months, eight months, nine months ... a lifetime.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Three

Coalescence is the third book in the
I Found My Heart in San Francisco

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Four

Disclosures is the fourth book in the
I Found My Heart in San Francisco

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Five

Entwined is the fifth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Six

Fidelity is the sixth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Seven

Getaway is the seventh installment of the serial novel I Found My Heart In San Francisco.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Eight

Honesty is the eighth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Nine

Intentions is the ninth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Ten

Journeys is the tenth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Eleven

Karma is the eleventh book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Twelve

Lifeline is the twelfth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Thirteen

Monogamy is the thirteenth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Fourteen

Nurture is the fourteenth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Fifteen

Osmosis is the fifteenth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Sixteen

Paradigm is the sixteenth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Seventeen

Quandary is the seventeenth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Eighteen

Renewal is the eighteenth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Nineteen

Synchronicity is the nineteenth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Twenty

Trust is the twentieth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Twenty-one

United is the twenty first book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Twenty-two

Vengeance is the twenty second book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Twenty-three

Wonder is the twenty third book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Twenty-four

Wonder is the twenty third book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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I Found My Heart in San Francisco, Book Twenty-five

Yearnings is the twenty fifth book in the I Found My Heart in San Francisco series.

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Copyright @ 2007-24 Susan X Meagher All Rights Reserved.

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